Чем занять школьников разного возраста на карантине

Из-за ограничений, введенных для борьбы с распространением коронавируса, настоящий бум переживают сервисы обучения онлайн. Публикуем перечень онлайн-ресурсов, которые помогут детям научиться новому и заинтересоваться наукой.

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Круговые панорамы памятников и музеев в разных точках мира. Сервис позволяет устроить себе экскурсию онлайн по дворцам португальской Синтры или в Йеллоустонский национальный парк, просто перемещая курсор. Или посмотреть на шедевры мировой живописи из коллекций музеев мира. И даже побродить по коридорам Международной космической станции.

Самая известная в мире платформа онлайн-образования сделала доступ ко всем своим курсов бесплатным из-за карантина.

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На этом сайте можно найти курсы на английском обо всем на свете — от счета предметов до искусства народов Океании. Можно также найти курсы для школьников разного возраста.

Основы программирования
Это перевод чрезвычайно популярного в мире Гарвардского курса. Обещает научить программированию за 11 недель. Курс рассчитан как на полных новичков, так и на тех слушателей, которые уже имеют небольшой опыт в программировании. Подойдет для старшеклассников, первокурсников и взрослых.

Генератор прописей
Поможет научить ребенка писать от руки и позволит потренировать фантазию родителей, ведь прописи здесь можно создать самостоятельно. Также сайт позволяет конструировать кроссворды, анаграммы и другие задачи по словами и цифрами.

Это платформа по программированию и анимации для детей от 8 до 16 лет. Также имеют версию Junior для еще младших. Scratch учит создавать иллюстрации и даже мультфильмы. Сайт по сути является онлайн-конструктором картинок с аудиоредактор и различными эффектами. В видео, где объясняются принципы его работы можно включить русские субтитры.

Интересная наука
Ютуб-канал с переведенными и озвученными научно-популярными и образовательными видео по физике, астрономии, биологии, географии и математике. Здесь можно узнать о распространении вирусов, самых выносливых существах на Земле, почему ленивцы такие медленные, а время не течет обратно.
Контент будет интересен как для подростков, так и для взрослых. Видео на украинском языке.

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  1. 20.05.2023 - 21:59

    In uncomplicated words, a Bitcoin mixer is a locale that provides «mixing» of transactions and reduces the good chance of tracking the owner. Its utilize is aimed at increasing anonymity when conducting transactions with the BTC cryptocurrency.

    Detailed intelligence close to Bitcoin mixers
    Why bring into play mixers
    When transferring the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, the p of the coins does not sign private matter, purpose and other parameters, which ensures apparent anonymity. But the breakable bring up of the set-up is the blockchain, which is an inaugurate database that stores information about completed transactions with Bitcoin. .

    Bitcoin mixers are designed to lecture this shortcoming. Anonymization occurs necessary to the splitting of the operation into small components, followed via mixing coins with parts of transactions of other users. As a development, Bitcoin enters the notecase in small batches and from many sources, which allows you to perplex the traces and minimize the danger of identifying an individual.

    What are the mixers
    Bitcoin mixer sites are conventionally divided into two groups. According to the creed of run, they are:

    1. Centralized. The shopper transfers the cryptocurrency, pays the commission, and the specified purse receives coins from another личность, but in the same amount. The confidentiality of the affair depends on the party of users and the amount of Bitcoin occupied in the shuffle. Sites operating on a centralized underpinning are not in mammoth demand. The confidentiality of clients directly depends on the professionalism of the milieu owners.

    2. Peer-to-peer. Bitcoin transactions receive bring down directly without the involvement of a third party. This proposition reduces the probability of peculation virtual moolah and identifying the owner. When conducting a action, special protocols are occupied that stand for different owners of Bitcoin wallets to blend and carry out d kill into the open unified cia agent with BTC in some approaches. Confidentiality is ensured nearby the fact that the participants in the affair do not possess any information about the other party. The bitcoin mixer does the job.

    Peer-to-peer mixers are in higher demand in arrears to efficacious mixing and improved share in anonymity.

    How to from a mixer: how it works
    The method of anonymization depends on the http://v98158en.bget.ru/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=osaqyvev prototype of mixers for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Charter out’s ponder each of the options.

    Centralized services trade https://ugart.ru/forum/user/17924/https://ugart.ru/forum/user/17924/ according to the following algorithm:

    Sending BTC coins.
    Payment of a decided commission.
    Splitting the thoroughgoing amount into humiliated components.
    Random allotment to the vaults created by the site. The operation is performed one or more times to confuse the traces.
    Sending the claimed amount to the applicant’s notecase address.
    When using such a Bitcoin mixer, you have occasion for to be steady of its sanctuary and veracity of the owners. The deplete of centralized services as mixing has a tally of risks: hard cash can be stolen by the creators of the stage, there is a possibility of hacking before hackers, and no people guarantees that operations inclination not be controlled.

  2. 21.05.2023 - 12:12

    In straightforward words, a Bitcoin mixer is a location that provides «mixing» of transactions and reduces the distinct possibility of tracking the owner. Its utilize is aimed at increasing anonymity when conducting transactions with the BTC cryptocurrency.

    Minute report less Bitcoin mixers
    Why play mixers
    When transferring the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, the proprietor of the coins does not write exclusive matter, specifically and other parameters, which ensures appearing anonymity. But the breakable bring up of the scheme is the blockchain, which is an unestablished database that stores message almost completed transactions with Bitcoin. .

    Bitcoin mixers are designed to lecture this shortcoming. Anonymization occurs due to the splitting of the manoeuvring into midget components, followed via mixing coins with parts of transactions of other users. As a development, Bitcoin enters the notecase in unimportant batches and from distinguishable sources, which allows you to confuse the traces and minimize the danger of identifying an individual.

    What are the mixers
    Bitcoin mixer sites are conventionally divided into two groups. According to the truism of peg away, they are:

    1. Centralized. The patron transfers the cryptocurrency, pays the commission, and the specified billfold receives coins from another личность, but in the after all is said amount. The confidentiality of the affair depends on the numeral of users and the amount of Bitcoin occupied in the shuffle. Sites operating on a centralized basis are not in grand demand. The confidentiality of clients directly depends on the professionalism of the placement owners.

    2. Peer-to-peer. Bitcoin transactions take place as the crow flies without the involvement of a third party. This passage reduces the probability of peculation effective money and identifying the owner. When conducting a arrangement, extraordinary protocols are occupied that consent to a handful owners of Bitcoin wallets to amalgamate and kidnap excuse one cia agent with BTC in diverse approaches. Confidentiality is ensured by means of the fact that the participants in the transaction do not secure any tidings about the other party. The bitcoin mixer does the job.

    Peer-to-peer mixers are in higher exact due to competent mixing and improved prime mover participating anonymity.

    How to from a mixer: how it works
    The method of anonymization depends on the http://interestinglife4you.blogspot.com/2017/02/adobe-premiere-pro-cc.html type of mixers in behalf of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Charter out’s consider each of the options.

    Centralized services trade http://uralremput.ru/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=alyrataghttp://uralremput.ru/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=alyratag according to the following algorithm:

    Sending BTC coins.
    Payment of a traditional commission.
    Splitting the sum total amount into mundane components.
    Casual parceling out to the vaults created by the site. The operation is performed a given or more times to bewilder the traces.
    Sending the claimed amount to the applicant’s wallet address.
    When using such a Bitcoin mixer, you have occasion for to be guaranteed of its security and integrity of the owners. The exploit of centralized services as mixing has a swarm of risks: pelf can be stolen by the creators of the policy, there is a likelihood of hacking next to hackers, and no an individual guarantees that operations inclination not be controlled.


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